Promoting the hobby of railway modelling in Canada!.
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Last updated on August 16, 2017 by MBT.
Please take note of our NEW MAILING ADDRESS as of January 2, 2012:
North Kildonan Publications
963 Henderson Hwy
PO Box 35087 RPO Henderson
Winnipeg, MB, R2K 4J9
Welcome to CANADIAN RAILWAY MODELLER Magazine (CRM). CRM was created in 1989 by North Kildonan Publications to serve the railway hobbyist interested in modelling all aspects of the Canadian railway scene. It's available at hobby shops everywhere throughout Canada and at many U.S. locations. Overseas too! A complete list of hobby shops that carry Canadian Railway Modeller is in every issue.
>>>Take a look at our Latest Issue Cover. <<<
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*Small additional postage cost for orders to the U.S. or Overseas
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This announcement was sent to all of our Railfan Canada subscribers in December:
December 18, 2013
To our valued Railfan Canada Subscribers:
It's with a very heavy heart and personal disappointment that we inform you as a subscriber to Railfan Canada magazine that we can no longer financially justify printing and distributing the magazine.
Without going into the details, I'll just say that the Internet is a mighty tool in today's society. It has significantly changed the way in which we communicate. Things have changed rapidly over the past few months and years as the Internet has developed. The printed word that you can hold in your hands and read is becoming obsolete. Just as film disappeared with the invention of the digital camera, printed matter is on the block now, too. Recent announcements by Canada Post regarding significant postage costs and delivery have not helped either.
However, all is not lost. We have 'married' Railfan Canada magazine with our sister magazine Canadian Railway Modeller which has been streamlined to include railfan articles in its content. We will substitute it to fulfill your subscription to RFC and trust this is an acceptable solution to our circumstances.
The staff and those associated with the production of RFC are very disappointed that the magazine was unable to continue in its original form. We wish to thank our valued article contributors for the wonderful articles they took the time to prepare for our readers. And a big 'Thank You" to the retail outlets and hobby shops where the magazine was available. Our advertisers deserve a special credit, too, as they helped us pay the bills.
This has not been an easy transition for any of us. Should you have any concerns, please let me know either by telephone or e-mail. Yes, I'm very sorry it has come to this and it broke my heart when I realized we were unable to continue. We had a good run at it though, and we are all very, very proud of each and every issue we managed to get out. We sure had fun!!!
Morgan Turney - Publisher
Suzanne Lemon - Editor
Railfan Canada magazine
Publishers Note:
It was with bitter disappointment that we announced that Railfan Canada magazine had to be discontinued due to the proliferation of the Internet and everything that is now 'free'. Social media and all things associated with it is quickly forcing print media to struggle to survive, especially niche magazines like this one.
But, magazines can survive if you are prepared to support them. That will inadvertently mean a slightly higher cost for something that you can hold in your hands and turn the pages over, one-by-one. The alternative is turning pages using a mouse or your finger. A printed magazine is a tangible item and something you can pick up over and over again to read through; the alternative is viewed on a liquid crystal display screen which once read, is clicked off and stored somewhere on your hard drive. To view it again requires you to go though the steps necessary to retrieve it and find the pages you want to look at. It just seems so much easier to 'thumb through' a printed magazine. Well, you'll have to make that choice.
Our hobby in general is going through some very tough changes right now. We are determined to keep the printed version of a Canadian model train magazine as an alternative to not having a print media publication about our great hobby. To do that we require the support from subscribers, hobby shops and advertisers alike. It is in your hands to determine our future - and yours too!
To honour what we achieved and what we are so proud of, we are leaving this page of Railfan Canada covers up so everyone can reflect on what was accomplished through the support of those who believed in what we were doing in the 12 issues (3 years) that we had with the magazine. Editor, Suzanne Lemon, put her heart into each and every issue and thoroughly enjoyed working with her contributors. And I always felt a feeling of euphoria when the issue was printed and I was on my way to mailing it at the main Winnipeg postal depot. It was time to begin the next one!
Back issues of Railfan Canada magazine are available exept for Volume 1 Number 2 which sold out quickly. Single copies are $12.00 each (which includes postage) or multiple issues can be ordered at a 15% discount to compensate for the postage.
New Magazine !
The First Issue is Still Available by Mail Order
The Twelvth Issue is at the Newsstand NOW!
Subscribe Today!
Here are cover images of RAILFAN CANADA magazines. Back issues are available except for Volume 1 Number 2 which sold out very quickly.
After many years of readers wanting us to bring out a Canadian railfan magazine, we've finally done it! Railfan Canada magazine. Subscribe today!
The latest issue of Railfan Canada, Volume 3 Number 4, is on magazine stands now!
Go to: www.railfancanada.ca for more information about the magazine and how to subscribe. There are also sample pages of what's inside! (site is now closed)
Get your CRM Website logo pin today.
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Canadian Railway Modeller magazine is a bimonthly, colour glossy magazine with a `Canadian content' format. In it you'll find building projects related to Canadian trains and structures along with prototype and heritage information associated with Canada's railways. You'll also find New Product Announcements, Prototype Photographs, Modeller's Photos, Canadian Book Reviews, Canadian Train Video Reviews, Letters to the Editor, Classified Advertising, a complete listing of Train Shows and Exhibitions across Canada and a Hobby Shop Directory listing reputable hobby shops where CRM is sold. Advertising is restricted to contents of interest to modellers of Canadian roads or that are generic in nature.
Kettle Valley Mileboards still available - Price Reduced!
Kettle Valley Railway MILEBOARDS by Joe Smuin is still available to order.
"A historical field guide to the KVR" is how author, Joe Smuin, describes his latest work. The spiral-bound, 200-page book is a mile-by-mile description of each subdivision on the KVR: Carmi, Princton, Coquihalla, Osoyoos, Copper Mountain and Merritt. Fully illustrated with nearly 100 diagrams and maps and nearly 100 photos, some of which have never been seen before. "A historically significant railway document written by a railroader."
Available to, and for sale at hobby shops and historical societies or order directly from the publisher. $34.95 plus $13.95 to cover postage and taxes (if applicable). U.S. orders add $5.00 over stated shipping cost ($18.95). Overseas orders add $15.00 over stated shipping cost ($28.95).
The Guide to Canada's Railway Heritage Railway Museums, Attractions and Excursions by Daryl T. Adair.
First published in 1993, this Second Edition lists over 100 of Canada's railway museums, attractions and excursions. The spiral-bound 116-page guide contains location maps, fees, hours of operation and what you'll see when you visit. Also listed is a complete list of surviving steam locomotives in Canada and a Canadian Railway Station Preservation list.
Available to, and for sale at hobby shops and historical societies or order directly from the publisher. $24.95 plus $12.00 to cover postage and taxes (if applicable). U.S orders add $3.00 over stated shipping cost ($15.00). Overseas orders add $10.00 over stated shipping cost ($22.00).
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Subscribing to the CANADIAN RAILWAY MODELLER magazine is easy.
Simply fill out our convenient subscription card and send it to
our site. Be sure to include your e-mail address as ALL orders
sent over the Net are confirmed by e-mail. If you do not get
e-mail conformation, your order DID NOT ARRIVE. Subscriptions can
also be sent as an inquiry by e-mail directly to the editor. For
payment, please send cheque or postal money order by snail mail,
or fax us your VISA or Mastercard number with expiry date and we
will match your subscription to your payment.
Our CRM logo pins are now avalibale for sale at the cost of $7.00 each. This includes postage and handling charges, Taxes included. Just send us an e-mail with your order and we'll mail it out the next day!
NOTE: Recent Canada Post announcements regarding significant and outrageous postal increases have forced us to adjust our subscription prices effective May 1, 2014. Increases are due to postal rate increases and not from our production costs.
Canadian Railway Modeller Subscription One Year (6 issues) and Two Years (12 issues)
Rates effective as of May 1, 2014 and include PST/GST/HST as applicable. *US Exchange Rate is calculated by financial markets of the day - subject to change without notice.
GST reg#: RT126683333
IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: All orders sent over
the Internet are confirmed by return e-mail - be sure
your e-mail address is correct. If you do not get
confirmation, we did not receive the order! If you are uncomfortable with sending your credit card number over the net, please contact us by fax or mail. |
Canadian Railway Modeller Magazine
963 Henderson Hwy
PO Box 35087 RPO Henderson
Winnipeg Manitoba R2K 4J9
Send us e-mail: crm@cdnrwymod.com
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Click here to send a letter directly to the editor of CRM!
Canadian Railway Modeller magazine is interested in your articles and photos. Digital Prototype and Modellers photos should be submitted on a CD in a 4 x 6-inch, 300 dpi. format and be identified on a Word document with name, address, telephone number and a brief photo caption. Please include an e-mail address, too. Please do not send digital photos by Email - we do not have the capacity for storage or identification of digital photos.
Articles can also be sent by Email, with photographs and drawings to follow on a CD. Include name, address and phone number on all material sent by mail. Send digital photos on a CD along with proper identification. Please incluse your Email address, too.
Send for our Authors Guidelines and Specifications which contain all applicable information. Guidelines can be sent by Email upon request.
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Display advertising is available at very reasonable rates in Canada's only model train magazine. Simply send your request for marketing information by Email and we will send our complete marketing package. Request by e-mail to: morgant@cdnrwymod.com
Canadian Railway Modeller Magazine
963 Henderson Hwy
PO Box 35087 RPO Henderson
Winnipeg MB R2K 4J9
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Get your very own Canadian Railway Modeller magazine Company Licence Plate for display on the front of your vehicle (only if law permits) or on your layout. Each plate features the CRM logo in full colour on a white heavy-duty poly-urethane plastic, standard vehicle licence plate.Click here to order.
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